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Книги видавництва Penguin Books

Ребекка Яррос
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2022 Категорія: Сучасна література
One final letter. His last wish. Go and be with her... Beckett, If you're reading this, well, you know the last-letter drill. You made it. I didn't. Get off the guilt train, because I know if there was any chance you could have saved me, you would have. I need one thing from you: get out of
426 грн
Ліса Джуелл
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2021 Категорія: Детектив. Трилер
A cold case. An abandoned mansion. A family hiding a terrible secret. Prepare to be hooked. Lisa Jewell's latest thriller is her best yet. Midsummer 2017: teenage mum Tallulah heads out on a date, leaving her baby son at home with her mother, Kim. At 11 p.m. she sends her mum a text message. At
426 грн
Рейвен Кеннеді
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2022 Категорія: Сучасна література
Locked away in a castle on the snowy mountains in the Sixth Kingdom of Orea, I have never known freedom. No one can get in or out. Apart from him. King Midas, who rescued me from the streets. Who gave me food, shelter, and his heart. Who I promised to love forever. But when political upheaval
469 грн
Томас Гарді
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2012 Категорія: Класика
The Penguin English Library Edition of Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy "I would be content, ay, glad, to live with you as your servant, if I may not as your wife; so that I could only be near you, and get glimpses of you, and think of you as mine ... I long for only one thing in heaven
340 грн
Вільям Вордсворт
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 1996 Категорія: Класика
A low-priced collection of Wordsworth's poetry.
97 грн
Джилліан Мак-Аллістер
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2023 Категорія: Детектив. Трилер
It's late. You're waiting up for your son. Then you spot him: he's with someone. And - you can't believe what you see - your funny, happy teenage boy stabs this stranger. You don't know who. You don't know why. You only know your son is charged with murder. His future is lost. That night you
426 грн
Едгар Райс Барроуз, Ентоні Хоуп
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2015-2022 Категорія: Класика
Tarzan of the Apes Edgar Rice Burroughs With an Introduction by Gore VidalSet amid the vibrant colors and sounds of the African jungle, this classic work has beckoned generations of readers toward a glorious journey of pure adventure. This is the story of the ape-man Tarzan, raised in the
134 грн
Ребекка Яррос
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2022 Категорія: Сучасна література
How do you define yourself when others have already decided who you are?Six years ago, when Camden Daniels came back from war without his younger brother, no one in the small town of Alba, Colorado, would forgive him-especially his father. He left, swearing never to return.When he receives a
384 грн
Ґабріель Ґарсія Маркес
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2000 Категорія: Класика
Equally tragic, joyful and comical, Gabriel Garcia Marquez's masterpiece of magical realism, One Hundred Years of Solitude is a seamless blend of fantasy and reality, translated from the Spanish by Gregory Rabassa in Penguin Modern Classics. Gabriel Garcia Marquez's great masterpiece is the story
426 грн
Беатрікс Поттер
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2020 Категорія: Дитячі книжки англійською мовою
Help Peter Rabbit countdown to Christmas!Peter Rabbit is VERY excited - it's nearly time for Christmas! He can't wait to eat mince pies, decorate the tree and open all his presents.The perfect festive tradition for Peter Rabbit fans young and old.Join Peter and all his friends every day in
631 грн
Франсуаза Саган
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2018 Категорія: Класика
'The sap had dried up; the sap, the incentive, the fever, the desire to do, to act, to act the fool, make love, create' A middle-aged woman breaks with her handsome young lover; a placid husband is suspected of infidelity; and a dying man reflects on his extramarital affairs, in these tales of
52 грн
Сесіль Мері Баркер
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2018 Категорія: Дитячі книжки англійською мовою
Relive the magic of Cicely Mary Barker's Flower Fairies of the Winter with this beautiful new edition - the perfect gift. Since the publication of Cicely Mary Barker's first book in 1923, the Flower Fairies have been ethereal companions to readers around the world. Her charming poetry and delicate
294 грн
Клайв Касслер
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2012 Категорія: Детектив. Трилер
Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the Oregon are up against their smartest foe yet - but in their midst there is a traitor . . . After losing their contract with the US government because of a daring raid too far, Cabrillo and his crew of mercenaries with a conscience are earning money the hard way:
164 грн
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2019 Категорія: Дитячі книжки англійською мовою
Peppa and George are in their very own frosty fairy tale! Once upon a time, it was a snowy day and Granny and Grandpa Pig had a surprise for Peppa and George - they were all going to Frosty Kingdom! They set off in the sleigh and met the Sugar Plum Fairy on the way! Who else will they see on
294 грн
Роальд Дал
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2017-2022 Категорія: Класика
PERFECT for fans of Roald Dahl. Think you know Dahl? Think again. There's still a whole world of Dahl to discover in a newly collected book of his deliciously dark tales for adults . . . How underhand could you be to get what you want? In these ten tales of dark and twisted trickery Roald Dahl
384 грн
Джеф Кінні
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2023 Категорія: Дитячі книжки англійською мовою
In Diper Overlode, book 17 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney, Greg Heffley is finding out that the road to fame and glory comes with some hard knocks. When he decides to tag along with his brother Rodrick's band, Loded Diper, Greg doesn't
400 грн
Клайв Касслер, Пол Кемпрекос
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2004 Категорія: Детектив. Трилер
White Death is Clive Cussler's fourth heart-pounding NUMA Files novel. When a confrontation between a radical environmental group and a Danish cruiser off the Faroe Islands sinks a ship, trapping her crew beneath the waves, Kurt Austin of NUMA is immediately called to the rescue. Investigating the
183 грн
Джекі Вулшлагер
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2023 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
A magnificent new biography of the founder of ImpressionismIn the course of a long and exceptionally creative life, Claude Monet revolutionized painting and made some of the most iconic images in western art. Misunderstood and mocked at the beginning of his career, he risked everything to pursue
1 756 грн
Джонатан Сафран Фоєр
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2017 Категорія: Сучасна література
How do we fulfill our conflicting duties as father, husband, and son; wife and mother; child and adult? Jew and American? How can we claim our own identities when our lives are linked so closely to others’? These are the questions at the heart of Jonathan Safran Foer’s first novel in eleven years—a
340 грн
Нікола Юн
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2021 Категорія: Дитячі книжки англійською мовою
Evie is disillusioned about love ever since her dad left her mum for another woman - she's even throwing out her beloved romance novel collection. When she's given a copy of a book called Instructions for Dancing, and follows a note inside to a dilapidated dance studio, she discovers she has a
384 грн

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